Grube Gondenau 


Grube Gondenau is a mining simulation game.

The game is set in the Trarbach/Bernkastel mining area of the 16th century. Silver, copper and lead were mined for centuries in this historic mining region between Hunsrück and Moselle.

The player takes on the role of a mine owner.

The aim of the game is to find and exploit veins of ore hidden in the mountain. 


You collect experience points by mining ore. These can be used for various improvements:

  • Visibility
  • Ceiling height
  • Gain
  • Speed
  • Number of workers


Where ore veins are hidden. The higher the visibility, the easier it is to find ore veins.

Ceiling height

To prevent corridors from collapsing, only a certain height is possible. The higher the maximum ceiling height, the easier it is to exploit ore veins.


It is difficult to extract the ore from the rock. With the right technology, the ore can be better extracted from the rock. The higher the gain, the higher the profit.


Rock is hard. The speed of extraction can be increased with better tools. The higher the speed, the faster you can mine.

Number of workers

Workers mine ores. The more workers you can hire, the faster you can expand your mine.

But workers also want to be paid. Use them efficiently.


There are two game modes available:

Relaxed: Players can take their time. The aim is to find and mine 70% of all ores. You can't lose. You should improve the ceiling height and visibility early on.

Greedy: You play against the clock. The aim is to make as much profit as possible after 5 years. You lose as soon as you run out of money. By playing repeatedly and optimising improvements, you can greatly increase your profit.

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